FTC Compliance
August 30, 2024

🚨 WARNING: Don’t Be Fooled—No Influencer Marketing Solution Can Fully Protect You from FTC Compliance Risks Unless It Excludes Paying for Posts

New FTC rules make influencer marketing risky. Learn why paid posts are now compliance violations and discover SwayID's FTC-compliant Circular Marketing solution.

Table of Contents


‍TLDR: On August 14, 2024, the FTC released a landmark final ruling that fundamentally changes influencer marketing. If your brand pays for influencer posts, you’re at risk. Each paid post is now a compliance violation risk, with penalties up to $43,792 per violation. No brand is safe.

With the FTC’s recent crackdown on fake endorsements, many influencer marketing tools, services, and agencies will claim they can help you de-risk your influencer marketing. Don’t be fooled—they can’t.

The Reality: Influencer Marketing Is Now a Compliance Minefield

The traditional influencer marketing model—where brands pay for posts—is fundamentally flawed under the new FTC influencer marketing regulations. No amount of guidance or disclaimers can make it safe.

Why Influencer Marketing Is Now Inherently Non-Compliant

All Paid Endorsements Are High-Risk Unless You Can Prove Authenticity in Court
Risk: Paying influencers for posts puts your brand at direct risk of FTC compliance violations. Even using #ad or #sponsored tags doesn’t ensure compliance because they don’t guarantee the authenticity of the endorsement.

All "Conditional Compensation" Is a Legal Trap
Risk: In the FTC's own words, "Conditional Compensation" refers to offering influencers incentives based on specific outcomes, such as any form of review—positive, negative, or neutral—as well as views, comments, or sales. This practice is now under strict scrutiny and is explicitly targeted by the FTC ruling on influencer marketing, making it a highly risky approach for brands.

The Inherent Data Gaps Create Compliance Nightmares
Risk: Most influencer platforms can’t verify the authenticity of transactions or ensure endorsements are based on real consumer experiences, leaving you vulnerable to penalties under the new FTC compliance solutions.

The Only Safe Alternatives Closest to Influencer Marketing: Circular Marketing and Seeding

In the wake of the FTC’s new influencer marketing regulations, brands must rethink their strategies. The traditional influencer marketing model, particularly any form of paid endorsements, is now fraught with compliance risks. The only safe alternatives that closely resemble influencer marketing are:

  • Circular Marketing
  • Seeding

Why Are These Alternatives Safe?

Both Circular Marketing and Seeding operate on non-conditional compensation models, which means there’s no payment tied to specific outcomes like reviews, views, or sales. This approach ensures compliance by fostering genuine advocacy rather than transactional endorsements.

Side-by-Side Comparison: Circular Marketing vs. Seeding


The Only Circular Marketing Solution in the World: SwayID


SwayID is the only platform that guarantees FTC compliance by fully embracing the Circular Marketing strategy. Here's how SwayID goes beyond traditional influencer marketing and even seeding:

No Pay-for-Post, No Compliance Risk:
SwayID’s Solution: We’ve eliminated the traditional pay-for-post model. Instead, we offer personalized discounts to verified creators who are genuine customers, naturally buying and sharing products they love. This non-conditional compensation model ensures there’s no legal gray area—just authentic advocacy.

Eliminated Data Gaps, Full Transparency:
SwayID’s Solution: We verify both the identity of creators and their purchase history with your brand. Every promotion linked to SwayID is based on actual transactions, fully embedded into the commerce flow. This guarantees that all endorsements are genuine and compliant with FTC standards.

Audit-Ready Documentation for Peace of Mind:
SwayID’s Solution: We maintain a detailed log of all creator identity verifications and discount code unlocks. This provides a clear, audit-ready trail, ensuring you can prove compliance if ever questioned by the FTC.


Why SwayID Stands Alone


The Bottom Line: SwayID Is the Only Solution That Guarantees FTC Compliance

In this new regulatory landscape, choosing a marketing strategy that keeps your brand safe is crucial. SwayID is the only platform that guarantees compliance while still delivering the benefits of authentic, organic advocacy. Don’t take risks with your brand’s reputation—switch to SwayID today.

About the author
Kaeya Majmundar
Co-Founder & CEO, SwayID
Join me in this movement. Together, we can kill the toxicity and revive marketing with authenticity, honesty, and real human connection.

Oct 14 FTC influencer crackdown. $43k fine per violation. CYA or see ya.